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Why User Experience?

Even before taking on Cognitive Science, I've always known that I wanted to work with computers and the web. I started as a Computer Science student and discovered the Cognitive Science field and what it was doing for computers and the people using them. What amazed me about the web was how it was a collective and shared space. I think the internet has augmented the lives of so many people, making it one of the most widely used tools for relieving cognitive load. It has streamlined the way we send and receive information, making us faster, more efficient and ultimately making life "easier".

Inevitably, eyes were opened.

When I discovered usability, it made total sense to me. Not only does it have its application in everyday objects, but it made sense to pair this concept up with the internet. Just like when an eraser was first attached to a pencil to make it an easier tool to write with, user-centered design attached to a website or application made it an easier tool to use.


My Favorite UX Quotes

Should we create something great? Let's get in touch.

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